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Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion

I have a strong interest in developing our work culture to promote inclusive environments and equity of opportunity so that all our staff and students can thrive. 

Talking to UoR members about experiences with introducing unconscious bias training for students (2019)

In 2014 I took on the role of joint Athena SWAN champion, which we expanded to co-chair a new broader School Equality and Diversity (E&D) committee (2014-2017).


I led the SMPCS Athena SWAN application in April 2017, coordinating our Athena SWAN self-assessment team, surveys/focus groups, and coordinated writing groups over a period of a year, to achieve a Silver Award for the School of Mathematical, Computational, and Physical Sciences.


I have disseminated E&D best practice via talks within the university (E.g. Henley Business School, 2016) and externally (E.g. York University, 2016), and acted as a ‘critical friend’ to external Athena SWAN submissions, e.g. Maths, Essex University.


I have led a focus on race and ethnicity equality. I was a member of the UoR (University of Reading) Race Equality Chartermark SAT (2017/18), leading responsibility for Promotions and Early Career Researchers. I developed a ‘blended’ SMPCS action plan to merge Athena SWAN actions with other aspects of E&D such as ethnicity, LGBT+, and disability, which is now in the stage of implementation across the School.


Understanding/minimizing unconscious bias is a valuable employability/life skill. I proposed and co-developed lectures on unconscious bias, delivered to maths and meteorology cohorts as part of graduate skills training.


Developed new skill session for postgraduate research students, ‘Our inner biases: identifying and overcoming them’. Our approach has been shared at multiple national events.


Led a student work experience project (2016) to assess the Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) student ‘degree awarding gap’. Found positive impact of peer-assisted learning (PAL) to reduce gap. Currently advocating expansion of PAL across the School via the Student Experience working group. Disseminated research to UoR Cultural Diversity Group (2017) and UoR Teaching and Learning showcase (2019).


Formed collaborative research with the Institute of Education (Dr Billy Wong) leading to a project (SESTEM) to examine BME student experience in STEM, 2018-2021. 


Innovated use of T&L peer-review (2019-20) to encourage SMPCS staff to use current process to consider ways to modify their T&L practice to enhance inclusive curriculum. Wrote guidance sheet and coordinated with School Director for Teaching and Learning.


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